The mission of Center for Families and Relationships is to strengthen and build resiliency in families by providing individual, family and couples counseling utilizing a holistic approach to treatment. We are partners in parenting, empowering members of the family to make a permanent, positive change towards becoming productive members of their own families, and of our community as a whole.

Our 30th Anniversary Breakfast was a Great Success!

Organizational News

The administrative team is gearing up to move into the expanded space at our Bustleton Avenue offices, which will allow us to increase the number of therapy rooms for our outpatient program. We look forward to being able to serve more of our waiting list, especially as requests for in person appointments continue to grow.

We’re also really excited to welcome our very first CFO, Brian Criscuolo, who will play a critical role in helping CFAR plan wisely during or rapid growth. Brian comes to us with incredible experience in financial management in the nonprofit sector, and we know that he will become an invaluable member of our leadership team.

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QUESTIONS? Contact us at 215-537-5367 or cfar@cfarcounseling.org

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