The mission of Center for Families and Relationships is to strengthen and build resiliency in families by providing individual, family and couples counseling utilizing a holistic approach to treatment. We are partners in parenting, empowering members of the family to make a permanent, positive change towards becoming productive members of their own families, and of our community as a whole.

Organizational News

Our administrative team is in the process of moving over to Suite C in our expanded space on the third floor of 7901 Bustleton Avenue. We’re making some slight shifts to the entrance, and have put up some new signage to help our clients navigate the change. It’s been a lot of hard work but very much worth the effort to be able to dedicate more therapy rooms in Suites A and B to serve more clients.

We are also gearing up to have some wonderful summer interns on board shortly! As always, we’re looking forward to training another excellent batch of students to work with families in impactful and innovative ways.

CFAR Movie Night on August 16th

Exciting Announcement!

Together Through Trauma

Children Deserving Services

QUESTIONS? Contact us at 215-537-5367 or cfar@cfarcounseling.org

Make sure you follow us on social media for the latest updates!