Celebrating Our 30th Anniversary

CFAR celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a wonderful breakfast on Thursday, May 16, 2024 from 8:30-10:30am at the Arts Ballroom. We were so grateful to have so many friends, partners, and supporters join us! We were pleased to honor Derek Green with the Daniel Gottlieb Humanitarian Award, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation with an Outstanding Community Partner Award, and Jamica Cropper-Pam with the Maryann C. Volk Staff Award in a touching awards ceremony hosted by our board member Dr. Erica Patterson. Special thank you to our sponsors HMA, WSFS Bank, The Therapy Group, and Wawa, and to all of those who placed journal ads. You can take a look at the event journal below, and see some lovely photos from the event as well. And please continue to support our work, so we can continue growing our impact! 

CFAR Journal by CFAR

Read more about our history below, and check out some of our recent press here!

In 1994, Maryann C. Volk founded CFAR with just one room and one therapist in a row home in Northeast Philadelphia. Over the years, the organization grew to include more and more therapists, as well as interns, and expanded to a second row home.

In 2013, Jordan Brogan took on the position of CEO when Maryann retired. Having outgrown the spaces in the row homes on Magee Avenue, in 2016 CFAR moved to a commercial space double the size on Bustleton Avenue. Once CFAR had more space to work with, we were able to expand rapidly to meet the rising need for family therapy services.

Not only did we continue to grow our Outpatient Services, we began to explore grant funding to be able to help even more vulnerable communities. In 2020, we started Children Deserving Services to provide free services to uninsurable children, who are mainly from immigrant families, with the support of grant funding from the city. In 2021, we launched Together Through Trauma with a grant from the state, and then expanded the program in 2023 with an additional grant from the state. The program works in targeted neighborhoods to address the trauma resulting from gun violence through free therapy and workshops.

Today, CFAR Outpatient has grown to:
-Serve over 2,500 clients annually
-Employ over 80 full and part time therapists and admin staff
-Train 50 interns each year
-Serve hundreds with free services through our grant-funded programs

Center for Families and Relationships is so proud of our work to build strength and resiliency in families through our innovative and impactful work over the past 30 years. Thanks to our incredible team, unwavering supporters, and stellar reputation, we will continue to grow in size and impact.

Family Counseling Specialists

The Center for Families and Relationships is a not for profit counseling center serving the needs of individuals, couples, families and children.

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