COVID-19 Policies


July 25, 2021

Dear CFAR Families,

Thank you for your patience over the last year or so as we adjusted to navigating new COVID related policies. You have been flexible and resilient with the change needed to keep everyone safe and for that we thank you. CFAR is asking for your same cooperation as we start to re- open our physical space. We plan to bring our staff back slowly throughout the summer working towards the entire staff back by the fall on a week A/week B hybrid model. By the fall all therapists will have the ability to offer a combination of face-to-face and telehealth services depending on what is in the best interest of the family. Telehealth only services will continue to be an option until further notice. Please read through what to expect when you return to our physical space. This information is accessible through our website/COVID updates, client portal and through email if consent is given. Policies will be reviewed with all clients and verbal consent must be given on an acknowledgement form documented within our electronic health records before coming to the CFAR site.


Clients will be asked to complete a self-screening before arriving at CFAR’s physical space in addition to the screening that will be done when they arrive for their appointment. We ask that if answer yes to any of the questions below, please DO NOT come to the CFAR physical space. Client will screen not only themselves but any other members in attendance at treatment that day. New intakes will be reminded during appointment reminder calls about our COVID screening policies.

Clients will be screened by the receptionist upon arrival. When clients enter CFAR’s waiting room they will line up 6 feet apart in front of reception window. Receptionists will ask clients the following questions, documenting name of person being screened and answers.

  1. Are you currently presenting any symptoms of COVID-19?

 Feel Feverish
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomitingDo you have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher or feel feverish?

2. Are you currently undergoing evaluation for a COVID-19 infection such as a pending viral test?

3. Have you had a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the past ten days?

4. Have you been in close contact with someone who was infected with COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

Clients answering yes, to any of the above questions, will be asking to leave the waiting area immediately.


CFAR requires the use of masks among ALL staff, volunteers and clients while in the CFAR physical space. Staff can take their mask off when working alone in their office. Clients are expected to wear masks all times while in the CFAR space.

Note: Masks should not be placed on:

  • Babies or children younger than 2 years-old
  • Anyone who has trouble breathing
  • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Clients unable to wear masks are asked to participate in telehealth sessions ONLY at this time. Clients will not be able to enter the physical space unless appropriately wearing a mask for the safety of others until further notice. Masks are meant to protect other people in case the wearer may have the virus and not know it. Although, CFAR will have masks for clients and staff should they forget to bring one, all staff and clients are expected to provide their own masks.


CFAR will take the following steps to help create a workspace to help staff and clients maintain social distancing and physically separate staff from each other, when possible. When clients enter our waiting room, they will get in line to check in with the front desk by standing on the designated floor signs which will be spaced at least 6 feet apart. Once check-in is completed clients will go to an empty sitting area. Each sitting area will be spaced at least six feet apart. Clients are expected to stay within the seating area until a therapist comes out to get them for their appointment.


CFAR will ensure that we have accessible sinks to wash and dry hands for all staff and visitors. In addition, CFAR will have hand sanitizer in each room and touchless hand sanitizer located in the waiting room and throughout the space. Each office will have its own supplies to include, tissues, disinfectant spray, extra masks, hand sanitizer. Gloves will also be provided when necessary. No touch trash cans will be located in all 6 bathrooms along with no touch soap dispensers and paper towels.


  • CFAR will post signs in highly visible locations (e.g. building entrances, waiting room, in restrooms) that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs by properly wearing a mask.
  • CFAR will include messages about behaviors that prevent the spread of COVID-19 when communicating with staff and clients as well as others that may be coming into the physical environment.
  • CFAR will find and share CDC resources with both staff and clients through email as well as client portal.


  • CFAR will have a cleaning company come daily to ensure that frequently touched surfaces are cleaned such as therapy rooms, bathrooms, keyboards, phones, handrails and doorknobs.
  • CFAR will always perform cleaning and disinfecting after persons suspected/confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been in the facility.
  • All CFAR staff will be assigned an office they will work out of the day they are in the workspace. They will be discouraged from using each other’s phones, desks, offices, or work tools and equipment where possible. CFAR staff will be discouraged from congregating in communal space such as the lunch room, conference room or former therapy “bullpens”.
  • CFAR will provide disinfectant spray and/or disposable disinfect wipes in each office so that staff can wipe down commonly used surfaces (doorknobs, keyboards, desks and other work tools or equipment whenever needed.
  • CFAR will store and use disinfectants in a responsible and appropriate manner according to the label.
  • DO NOT mix bleach or other cleaning and disinfectant products together. This can cause fumes that may be very dangerous to breath in.
  • Employees are advised to wear gloves appropriate for the chemicals being used while cleaning.


If you are interested in information on vaccination or would like assistance with finding out how to get a vaccination, please talk to your therapist and we can help you find the closet place to go. Additional resources will be made available via client portal.

Management will share updates of our policies as they change. Please bear with us as we make this transition.


Jordan Brogan, MA, LMFT Chief Executive Officer